IPXV_Inst::SetupMeasureEditFilter Method
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Initializes the IUIX_NumEditFilter object by specified options for measurement. After that this object can be used by edit-control (by IUIX_Edit::Filter) to support the converting on-the-fly of the entered values between different units of measurement.
HRESULT SetupMeasureEditFilter([in] IUIX_NumEditFilter* pEditFilter, [in] MeasureUnit nCurUnit, [in] double nMin, [in] double nMax, [in, defaultvalue(1.0)] double nAdvDispCoef, [in, defaultvalue(0.0)] double nStep, [in, defaultvalue(0)] VARIANT_BOOL bNegative);
- pEditFilter
- [in] Pointer to IUIX_NumEditFilter that will be initialized.
- nCurUnit
- [in] The value of MeasureUnit enumeration that indicates the currently selected unit.
- nMin
- [in] The minimum value in points (1/72 in).
- nMax
- [in] The maximum value in points (1/72 in).
- nAdvDispCoef
- [in, defaultvalue(1.0)] The advanced coefficient for displaying the values.
- nStep
- [in, defaultvalue(0.0)] The step-value for auto- increasing/decreasing of value by end-user in edit-control, for example, by mouse-wheel events, or by Up/Down buttons inside contol.
- bNegative
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] The flag that may allow the negative values entering by user, is related to value of nMin option.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.