IPXV_Inst::FormatFileSize Method
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Converts the specified file size in bytes to display string. For example:
- 349 to "0.34 KB (349 bytes)"
- 8791 to "8.58 KB (8,791 bytes)"
- 4022817 to "3.84 MB (4,022,817 bytes)"
The method uses the current UI-localization.
HRESULT FormatFileSize([in] ULONGLONG nSize, [in, defaultvalue(0)] VARIANT_BOOL bShort, [out, retval] BSTR* sRes);
- nSize
- [in] Number of bytes.
- bShort
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] Specifies the option to make short display-string. For example with true value you will get "0.34 KB" instead of "0.34 KB (349 bytes)".
- sRes
- [out, retval] Returns string as result of converting.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.