IPXV_Control::CreateNewBlankDoc Method
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Creates and opens the new blank document.
HRESULT CreateNewBlankDoc([in] double nPageWidth, [in] double nPageHeight, [in] LONG nPagesCount, [in, defaultvalue(0)] LONG nPageRotation);
- nPageWidth
- [in] The width in points (1/72 in) of pages to be created.
- nPageHeight
- [in] The height in points (1/72 in) of pages to be created.
- nPagesCount
- [in] The inital count of pages to be created.
- nPageRotation
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] The rotation angle of new pages, multiple of 90(degrees).
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.