IPXC_Document::EnumFonts Method
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Enumerates through the fonts of the selected pages.
HRESULT EnumFonts([in] IPXC_FontEnumCallback* pCallback, [in, defaultvalue(0)] ULONG nFirstPage, [in, defaultvalue(-1)] ULONG nLastPage, [in, defaultvalue(NULL)] IProgressMon* pProgress);
- pCallback
- [in] Pointer to IPXC_FontEnumCallback containing the callback that will be called for each new font.
- nFirstPage
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] Value of ULONG containing the first page in range.
- nLastPage
- [in, defaultvalue(-1)] Value of ULONG containing the last page in range.
- pProgress
- [in, defaultvalue(NULL)] Pointer to IProgressMon containing the custom progress.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.