IPXC_Pages::DeletePages Method
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Removes pages from the core document by indexes.
HRESULT DeletePages ([in] IBitSet* pIndexes, |
[in, defaultvalue ( NULL )] IProgressMon* pProgress, |
[out, defaultvalue ( NULL )] IPXC_UndoRedoData** pUndoData); |
- pIndexes
- [in] Pointer to IBitSet containing the indexes of pages that need to be deleted. Note that the IAUX_Inst::CreateBitSet method should be used to create a bit set.
- pProgress
- [in, defaultvalue(NULL)] Pointer to IProgressMon containing the progress monitor. Note that the IPXV_Inst::ProgressMon property should be used to get the progress monitor from the instance.
- pUndoData
- [out, defaultvalue(NULL)] Pointer to IPXC_UndoRedoData containing the filled Undo/Redo data if any was given to be filled.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.