PXV_Inst CoClass

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The main ActiveX-object of PDF-XChange Editor SDK that provides part of general functionality and gives access to additional extensions of SDK.

The GUID of object is:


The interface of control is:


How to Instantiate

You may instantiate the object in standard way by using the CoCreateInstance function or by any other method that is appropriate for instantiating of ActiveX-objects in your programming language.

For example, in C#:

AxPDFXEdit.AxPXV_Inst pdfInst = new AxPDFXEdit.AxPXV_Inst();

In VB6:

Dim pdfInst As PDFXEdit.PXV_Inst
Set pdfInst = New PDFXEdit.PXV_Inst

In C++:

CComPtr<IPXV_Inst> spPDFInst;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(PXV_Inst), nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IPXV_Inst), (void**)&spPDFInst);

Also, exists other special way to get pointer to IPXV_Inst interface. For example, in C++:

typedef HRESULT (__cdecl *t_pPXV_GetInstance)(IPXV_Inst** ppInst);

#if defined _M_IX86
#define SDK_LIB_NAME	L"PDFXEditCore.x86.DLL"
#define SDK_LIB_NAME	L"PDFXEditCore.x64.DLL"

CComPtr<IPXV_Inst> spPDFInst;
t_pPXV_GetInstance pfn = (t_pPXV_GetInstance)GetProcAddress(hSDKLib, "PXV_GetInstance");
HRESULT hr = pfn(&spPDFInst);

- with this special method you will be able to use SDK without regular installation of ActiveX objects from SDK on the client machines. In other words - without standard registering of all ActiveX-objects from the SDK. And it will work for you, excepting one moment - in this case you will be unable to instantiate the simple ActiveX Control (PXV_Control).

How to Use

Firstly you need to call IPXV_Inst::Init function before any use of the SDK. But, if you've created a PXV_Control object before, you may not call this function, because it has already been done through the creating of PXV_Control-object. Another important point: when you finishing work with the SDK, you should call IPXV_Inst::Shutdown method to release all used resources, to stop correctlty of all working threads, etc. But, if IPXV_Inst::Init method had not been called directly and you used only a simple PXV_Control, then you may not call it. Also, in conclusion the IPXV_Inst::Shutdown method should be called the same number of times as IPXV_Inst::Init was called.

Firstly is recommended to specify your developer's license key for PDF-XChange Editor SDK to prevent the showing the DEMO labels across the pages. For it you should use the IPXV_Control:SetLicKey method. After that you will be able to use whole API without any showing and placing of DEMO-labels. The most popular features you may use on beginning: