IPXS_PDFVariant::Arr_SetString Method

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Replace specified element of array with new variant with type PVT_String and specified value.


HRESULT Arr_SetString([in]  ULONG   nPos,
                      [in]  LPWSTR  sVal);


[in] Specifies index of element to replace. If it is greater or equal to array size function will return E_INVALIDARG.
[in] Pointer to null-terminated Unicode string, which will be used as variant value. If string can be represented as ASCII string it will be stored using single byte per character, otherwise two bytes per characters will be used (same as in Unicode). If you need to add ASCII string to array it will be faster to use Arr_SetStringR, but please note that if your string contain characters with codes greater than 127 they will be interpreted as codes from PDFDocEncoding, not as codes from current code page.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.

See Also